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Will holiday dinners ruin my performance gains?

Updated: Oct 16, 2021

Are you having thoughts that this holiday dinner will ruin your hard work, progress, and performance gains you've made?

Are you scared of having feelings of guilt or shame after eating some dessert or possibly larger portions than you're used to?

First off, it is perfectly NORMAL to let loose, feast and go nuts on food and desserts during holiday seasons. Secondly, holiday dinners are NOT going to affect your fitness level or performance gains in the long term.

Remember, progress and performance gains happen over months, even years. The one or two meals you have over a holiday is not going to effect those gains in the long term.

Think about how many meals you have a year compared to the amount of holiday dinners you have. If you have 3 meals and 2 snacks a day for 365 days that's 1825 eating occations. If you celebrate 3 holidays a year (I'm thinking Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter) and maybe even 2 meals for each holiday, that's 6 holiday meals a year. Those holiday meals represent 0.003% of all the meals you eat in a year. So overall, in the grand scheme of the year, it doesn't matter if you indulge and treat yourself over the holidays.

Treating youself on holidays also doesn’t need to mean that you will be more disciplined or work harder in the gym when they're over to make up for how you ate.

It simply means that you feasted and enjoyed.

So please, enjoy your holidays 💚


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